How to register

All registrations are managed by our Pre-school Administrator, Amanda Chenery. Details are provided below. We operate a waiting list and children are added to the list from the date that we receive BOTH the completed registration form and non-refundable registration fee.

Please click here to download our Registration Form and follow the instructions below.

Registration by E-mail

Please attach your completed form and e-mail it to:

Registration by Post
Please return your completed form to:

Pre-school Administrator, St Andrew’s Pre-school, St Andrew’s Church Hall, Albert Road, Caversham, Reading, Berkshire, RG4 7AW, by:-

  • Royal Mail or
  • Hand delivery into the St Andrew’s Hall letterbox


For postal registrations, we kindly ask, and strongly recommend, that you also e-mail us, so we know to expect your paperwork.

Payment of Registration Fee

Please pay our non-refundable registration fee of £30.00 directly into our bank account:-

Account Name: St Andrews Pre School Caversham
Account Number: 64575704
Sort Code: 09-01-55

Please note that you will need to select Business Account when setting Pre-school up as a payee.

When making your on-line payment, we kindly request that you e-mail us immediately so that we can confirm receipt of your payment. Thank you.

We operate a waiting list and children are added to this list from the date that we receive BOTH the completed registration form and registration fee.

Parent visit

If you would like to arrange a visit to our Pre-school, please contact the administrator Amanda, who will be happy to show you around at a mutually convenient time. 

We would also highly recommend that you read our prospectus and welcome booklet which can be found within the “Pre-school Life” tab under the “Ofsted and other info” section.