Daily structure
We are now focussing on retrospective and ‘in the moment’ planning for the sessions.
The children select from the various activities on offer. We follow an “Open Door” policy which means the children can access the outside play area/garden each day. Some activities will be adult led and adult initiated, but the majority of activities will be child led, based on interests, experiences and extending play over the week.
The staff will come out to the playground to welcome you at 9.15 am. We will listen for the silence before singing our morning ‘hello song’. After our hello song the children come into the main hall with their coats, bags and water bottles. These are placed on their own chair. The children then all go and wash their hands before joining in with the activities on offer.
From 10.15 am the children are invited to join our ‘café style’ snack time. Free play continues for those who do not wish to have snack at this time. The children wash their hands before returning to the main hall for their snack. They also choose whether they have milk, or water. After the children have had their snack, they join in with their chosen activities.
The morning session finishes with splitting the children into two groups – those staying for lunch and those going home. The two groups then have a story which is often related to our current topic.